Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Auroras

North of 59 degrees of latitude it is always twilight during the summer months and it never gets dark. No constellations, rarely stars or planets, perhaps a faded moon, and never any visible northern lights.

It’s now fall and the days have become shorter. Come the first day of winter, the sun will slightly arc over the horizon giving us enough light from about nine or ten in the morning to about half-past four in the afternoon. And in January, the coldest month of the year, all of the beautiful celestial bodies and phenomena are clear, crisp and alive.

When the moon isn’t glowing and the blanket of snow isn’t sparkling, the Aurora Borealis get all the attention, only for a handful of days a month. When the moon is asleep, the stars radiate a faint bluish light, and collectively, they create our galaxy—The Milky Way. In addition to GOD’s earthly creations, Venus, Mars, Ursa Major, Orion and other planets and constellations, like to come out and watch the Auroras perform their memorizing art in dance.

I remember a frigid and freakishly cold night almost two years ago where I witnessed something so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. This night fell within a cold spell that lasted two straight weeks where the temperature did not warm up beyond -35˚c, and one morning, the mercury thermometer indicated -49˚c with no wind.

We were towing the Navajo (a small 10-seater piston aircraft) into the hangar, and I noticed something happening in the sky above. I looked up to the heavens above and saw something so incredible it made me feel like I was in another world. I suddenly felt so euphoric, happy, joyful, ecstatic, fortunate, grateful, and I felt love surrounding me. In my heart I felt so many good things that I knew GOD came to whoever was there and listening, to say “I remember and I love you.”

When a feather is placed in the air, it will sway, spin, vibrate, and rise with air currents as it slowly makes its eventual way back to the Earth. Incandescent colors of green, red, purple, and blue were dancing harmoniously together in perfect rhythm. And like the feather, they began to descend from above, to the point where I could almost touch them. All around me, this bright, beautiful display of fast moving tones of tinted diamonds in the sky were skipping over one another like a pianist playing scales in 64ths. Over the black star-lit stage, blues danced with the greens, and reds with the purples, simultaneously switching partners in unison.

GOD’s graceful performance was over, and he withdrew his magical, multi-colored, luminous crystal instruments from around me, and lifted them back into Heaven. And all that was left was a fading greenish glow, disappearing into the stars tightly surrounded by blackness.

One moment in time. A moment that seemed like hours, was over in less than 60 seconds. This was one of the most beautiful moments of my life and I am grateful for having experienced it.

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